
এই ব্লগটি সন্ধান করুন


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শনিবার, ১৩ আগস্ট, ২০১১

Arabic New Word

Oilfield English-Arabic words and phrases


1 wahed
2 thinien ethnien
3 thalatha
4 arbaa
6 sitta
7 sabaa
8 thamanya
9 tisaa
10 ashra
11 hedashar
12 ehtnashan
13 thalatash
14 arbatash
15 khamestash
16 settash
17 sabatash
18 thamantash
19 tesatash
20 eshreen
21 wahed eshreen
22 ethnien whe eshreen
30 thalatheen
40 arbaein
50 khamseen
60 sitteen
70 sabein
80 thamanein
90 tesein
100 meya

*** A ***
and waare you finished hul khalast?

*** B ***
B.O.P. wrench mufta B.O.P.
ball pein hammer shakoosh saghir
bar bari
bathroom hamam
be careful entabeh
bed sarier
big kabier
bigger akbar
black aswad
blowout yeseal
blue asrag
board khashab
bolt borshe mosmar
bottom tahat
boy walad or sabi
break out excer
bring me.. jiegeblye..
brush it farshee or nadaf
build mud volume zeid tein

*** C ***
cable, rope, wire zelk kahrabah, habp, zelk
camp camp or mokhaiam
carry ehmel or sheif
cement ismint
chain tongs chain tongs
change bit nozzles badel bit nozzles
change elevators badel elevators
change rams badel rams
change packing badel packing
change... badel..
check oil in rotary efhas el zait rotary
check rod oiler efhas rod oiler
check oil in engine efhas el zait engine
check... efhas...
chemicals chemicals kimaweyat
chicken dajaaj
clean the threads nadef el senoun
clean with water nadef bil mayia
clean with diesel nadel bil diesel
clean sand trap nadef sand trap
clean out mud ditch nadef el tina
clean shaker screen nadef shaker screen
clean this nadef haza or nadef dah
clean out pit nadef el pit
clean out.. nadef...
close water valve sacer el mayia
close.. sacer..
coffee kahwa
cold bard
come here taa'la hena
come with me taa'la maei
come tah al
cook yet 'bokh
crane operator amel weinsh
cresent (adjustable wrench) mufta burghe

*** D ***
dismantle (tear down) pump suctions fik el pump suctions
dismantle B.O.P. fik el B.O.P.
diverter mohawel
do you have.. indek..
do you want coffee ayez kahwa
do not throw away la termi
do you understand inta fahamt
down tahat
drill bit ahlet hafr
drill pipe hafar mawassir
driller hafar
driver sawag

*** E ***
early badri
easy sahel
eat yacol
electrician kahrabaii
elevator aceussor
emergency Tawarek
empty faregh
everything kollo

*** F ***
faster besoraa
fill grease gun with grease hut shahm fil mashhama
fire extinguisher taffaya, harik
fire narr
fish samak
fishing for junk dawar ala karakib
fork showka
finished khalast
food akal
fork showka
Friday yom el gomao
friend sadiq
full Maliin

*** G ***
gallon galon
garbage zibala
get grease gun jeab mashhama
give yat 'i, ed 'i
go roah
God's Will inshaalha
good kowiees
good bye maasalaama
good morning sabah al khair
grease slips shahiim el slips
grease... shahiim el...
green akhdar

*** H ***
half nos
handle mekbad or yed
harder akoa
hello marhaba salam alekom
help him saedo
help me saadni
help them saedhome
here hema
him howa
hit it edrob
hold emsiek
home biet
hook up fill up line rakeb fill-up line
hook up flow line raked flow line
hook up.. rakeb...
hot sochen
how many cam
how much does this cost cam thamen haza or bekam
how keif or ezai
how are you keif halac of ezaiyak
hurry besorao

*** I ***
I am fine ana mabsoot, ana kowayes
I am happy with your work Ana mabsout beshughlak
I want... ariyad or aawez
I want it rare ariydah mistawiiy shway
I want to eat aryid aakol
I am going to... ana raieh ela...
I am hungry ana gowaan
I, me ana
iced tea shaay barid
in my room fil ghurfa
in pick-up (car) fil sayyana(sayyara)
in the house fiel beit
inch busa
inside gowah
install new liner rakeb kliat jadeed
install new swab rubber rakeb swab rubber jaded
install.. rakeb...
is it clean hal howa nadif or hal dah nadif (for things)

*** J ***
jack: hydraulic, screw, track hydraulic jack, screw jack, track jack

*** K ***
knife sikkiyn

*** L ***
later baedien
lay down rayeh or nam
leaking yesayel
left yasaar
let's go yala
litre litr
little shoeya
load this hamal haza
long tawiel
longer attwal
look out! shoef
lost circulation material dayart el warak
lots, many ketier

*** M ***
make up bit rakya al bit
make up shed
man -- men reejal
manager mudier
maybe yem ken
meat lahma
mechanic mekanic
medium matawasat
metre mitr
milk haliyb
mix gel khalit gel
mix weight material khalit barite
Monday yowm el itnen
money feluus
moron gha 'bi
motorman rakeb motocykl
mud hopper khalant el tina
mud tina
my name is..... Ana ismee...

*** N ***
never mind maalish
new jadiid
no good mosh kowayes
no, I don't have laa ma audich
no la
not that way moush kedah
nothing wala hayoh
now delwakty
nut samola

*** O ***
office mactab
oil zeit
oilfield el maw keeh
old atiik or kadeem
open mud gun eftah el gun
open eftah
open valve eftah el mahbas
oh shit yaha
outside barra
over there hunak

*** P ***
paper waraq
pepper filfil
pen, pencil kalam
pick this up erfah haza foak
pipe wrench mufta pipe
please men fadlak
Please, have a coffee Etfadal echrab kahwa
poison sem
pull the slips erfah slips
pull eshab
pull in the shoe eshab el shoe
pump tromba
push tongs back zok el lesan wara
push zok
put tongs on daa tongs or hot tongs
put it there hot honak
put it.. hot..
put in new gasket rakib kaskit jadeed
put bolt in rakek burghe
put this... hot haza...

*** Q ***

*** R ***
raise tongs up erfaa el sesan fouk
rare mistawiiy shway
red ahmar
remove liner eshab liner, sheel el...
remove.. eshab.., sheel...
repair pump salleh el Tromba
repair the leak sallih mahal ma bisiil, salleh el otl(defect)
repair... sallah el..
ride ercab
rig up schlumberger raked schlumberger
right yamien
roughneck couhe khechen
run run! in emergency egry besoraa (run fast)

*** S ***
sack kies
salt malh
Saturday yown is-sabt
save waffer
safety amaan
set the slips hot slips
short osayer
shorter aasar
shovel shibel
sledge hammer shakoosh kabir
sleep noum
slowly shwai shwai
smaller asghar
soup shurba
speak slowly takallam besch wesch
spoon maalaka
sugar sokkar
Sunday yowm il-ahad

*** T ***
take bolt out hel barabeor hel el mosmar
tea shaay
test B.O.P. akhtabar
thank you shukran
thank god alhandullellah
that hazah
that's enough bass or kefaya
them homma
there honak
this haza
this way kidha
threads asnan
throw chain ermy chain
throw away ermi
Thursday yown il-khamiys
tie on to... erbott..
tighten nut erbott el samola
tip bakchies
tomorrow boukra
toolpusher garrar
top fouk
tripping eddy bakchies
Tuesday yowm ith-thalaatha
turn loose fok or hel
turn over eclab
turn lef

*** U ***
unload this nasel dah or nasel hasa
up foak
use shovel istamel garouf
use water hose istamel hauafeyet el maya
use wire brush istamel fursha hadeed

*** V ***
vegetables khudra

*** W ***
wait a minute estana shoeya
waiting for orders mestani awamer
walk emshi
warehouse (spare parts storage) makhzau
water mayia
Wednesday youm il-arbaa
welder amel lehaw
welding lehaw
well done (cooked) mistawiiy jiddan
well done (job) kowayes
what are you doing shoe betiimal or hetiimal eh?
what do you call this in arabic? maza tosumi haza bel arabi?
what do you want ayez eh ?
what is this eh dah?
what is your name shoe ismack or ismack eh?
what is your number kamm raqamak
when mata or emta
when will you finish mata sawfa tukhalis or hatukhalas emta?
where feen
where are you going? wein rayeh, rayeh feen
white abyad
work shughul
wrench muftaah

*** X ***

*** Y ***
yellow asfar
yes, I understand na am fahamt
yes aewa, naam
you inta
you are welcome ahlan wa sahlan
you are learning (praise) inta betettallam
you are doing good (praise) shughlak tamam

*** Z ***

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